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"May 4th" commendation of Zhongbei College of Nanjing Normal University in 2019

Hits: 3897070 2020-05-03

Zhongbei College of Nanjing Normal University in 2019
"May 4th" commendation
Since 2019, the League organizations at all levels of the whole hospital guided by Xi Jinping's new socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics, fully implemented the spirit of the nineteen and nineteen second, third and fourth plenary sessions of China's Communist Party, and implemented the important idea of general secretary Xi Jinping's youth work to the whole work and construction of the league, and focused on maintaining and enhancing political, advanced, and mass oriented efforts. To promote the reform of the Communist Youth League to a deeper level and to the grassroots level.
The majority of League members, League cadres and League organizations at all levels have worked together and made achievements in the decisive victory of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and in the decisive battle against poverty. It has given full play to the role of new forces and commandos, demonstrated the vigorous power of youth, and emerged a large number of advanced models.
In order to commend the advanced, publicize the advanced, and encourage more League members, League cadres and League organizations at all levels to make great achievements, the League Committee of Zhongbei College of Nanjing Normal University recently decided to commend the advanced collectives and individuals.
Selection results
The responsibility of the times gives youth
The glory of the times belongs to the youth
Let's start from a new starting point
Continue to play the role of new force and Commando
Carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement and contribute to the youth of the party and the people
Made by Lu Ying
Reviewed by Ji Gengchen
Xue Jingjing

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