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Hidden dangers in the dry season: How to use new materials to ensure production safety?

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Continuous high-temperature environments can easily cause tiny cracks or damage to the materials of electrical components, thus affecting their insulation properties. If insulation is degraded, electrical components can cause electrical shorts or other failures that can cause sparks or overheat, increasing the risk of fire.

To effectively reduce this risk, high-performance materials are needed to manufacture these electrical components. This is also the moment when IOTA N-phenyl-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane demonstrates its unique value. The aniline group provides additional thermal stability due to its aromatic nature and stable structure. This means it is less likely to break down or degrade under high temperature conditions than other functional silanes.

Glass fiber reinforced phenolic composite materials produced using N-phenyl-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane can not only better withstand long-term high-temperature working environments, but can also effectively slow down the aging rate and greatly reduce the failure of electrical components. and risk of fire.

In addition, it is also worth trying when producing coatings and adhesives in high-temperature environments, seals and composite materials that work at high temperatures.

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